Friday, November 14, 2008

Live Local, be Local, Buy Local

As many of you know, I am a rabid supporter of local business. I believe that the face of McMinnville would be very drab indeed if local businesses closed and left us all to wallow in the gluttonous mediocrity of the big box offerings. Independent businesses are an important part of the fabric of community that national chains can never be. They are organic growing things constantly responding to the trends and desires of their local community, and in this are a reflection of that

community. Well, I could go on and on, but I do have a point. Last night, we had a party. A party to celebrate all things local. Local music, local businesses, local supporters of business, local non-profits, all strands in the web. There were about twenty local businesses presenting their holiday offerings. There were six tables laden heavy with coupons, catalogs, and samples of goods and services available at these businesses, and many were there collecting the coupons that were out. hopscotch was there of course, and Third Street Books, Movietime video, Found Objects, and Value Pages. I mention these businesses in particular, because we all worked very hard to put this event together. We are step by step, event by event working to develop a strong sense of buy local pride in McMinnville. One window cling at a time we are getting the job done. I was asked today what our mission statement would be if we had one, and I said to support and promote locally owned businesses, and in so doing support the strength and individuality of McMinnville. Even if my business failed it would still be a passion of mine, because community is a passion of mine. Local business creates, supports, and responds to local community. Well, blah blah blah, it was a great night, and with any luck, the ball will keep rolling, the ripples will spread, and Wal Mart will go up in a ball of flames. That would be very pretty to see.


Lisa said...

Looks like it was fun. I'm sorry to have missed it. Will there be another in the future?

hopscotch toys 103 SE Baker st said...

yes, we plan on having an event in February called "Love your Local" to promote valentines activities at home.

Lisa said...

Cool. That event will include a extra-fully staffed Hopscotch so that parents can just dump their kids off and go on Valentine's dates at our local fancy restaurants, right?